Pussy is a term used in English to refer to the female genitalia or to commonly make fun of men who are acting like wimps. Although not commonly used in Arabic, there are several ways to say this word if needed.
Arabic Words for Pussy
فْرَط (tarf). This word directly translates as “edge” and refers specifically to the labia majora (outer lips) of the vulva. It can be found in many modern colloquial expressions related to sexuality or flirtation, such as بالطرفة؟ ينعم عاوز اللي هو مش (mish hu alli eawez yenaam baltarf?). This phrase means, “Who doesn’t want pleasure from that pussy?”
نهبة (nahba). This term literally translates as “slit” and implies both the vagina and clitoris together. It has been widely adopted by younger generations who use it mostly when referring jokingly to sexual matters or even when talking about someone they find attractive. For example: والساكتين النهبة ماحبيت (!ma7abait alnahba wesakteen!). This would mean something like “I don’t like pussies and quiet people!”
ةَدِاطَن (naatida). This term literally means “wellspring” but it has come into usage more recently due its similarity with another slang expression meaning “the place where pleasure comes from.” Thus, naatida can be used interchangeably with tarf or nahba when talking about female genitalia without using explicit language. An example sentence could be: الناطدة روعة ماتسويلي)!ma tasweli roe3a alnaatida!), which would mean something like “Don’t deny me the pleasure of that pussy!”
Some Arabs may also use a phrase derived from an old Egyptian dialect – ِدْسَأْالَ سِبِل (libs el asad), which literally translates as “putting on/dressing up a lion”. In this case, putting on/dressing up a lion stands for having sex with someone. For instance: الأسد وتلبس تعالی اگه (!eghe taali w telbes elasad!), which would translate roughly into English as “Come on! Let’s have sex!”. Overall, although pussy isn’t frequently spoken about openly in Arab culture due its taboo nature, there are still several ways one might express themselves regarding it should need arise.
Example Sentences using the word Pussy in Arabic
1. She’s such a pussy for not standing up to her boss. – إنها مهرة لأنها لم تقف في وجه رئيسها – iinaha muharat li’anaha lam taqif fi wajh rayiysiha
2. Stop being such a pussy and face your problems head-on. – توقف عن أن تكون مثل هذا الهراء وواجه مشاكلك وجهاً لوجه – tawaqaf ean ‘an takun mithl hadha alhara’ wawajah mashakilak wjhaan liwajh
3. Don’t be a little pussy, take charge of the situation. – لا تكن مهبلًا صغيرًا ، تولى مسؤولية الموقف – la takun mhblan sghyran , tawalaa maswuwliat almawqif
4. He’s too much of a pussy to do anything about it. – إنه مهبل كثيرًا لفعل أي شيء حيال ذلك – iinah mihbal kthyran lifiel ‘ayi shay’ hial dhalik
5. That guy is nothing but a big ol’ scaredy-pussy! – هذا الرجل ليس سوى كس خائف كبير! – hadha alrajul lays siwaa kas khayif kabirin!
6. Don’t be afraid or such a friggin’ pussy. – لا تخافوا أو مثل هذا كس غريب – la takhafuu ‘aw mithl hadha kus gharib
7. You’re not gonna let that puss out of the bag are you? – أنت لن تدع هذا الهرة يخرج من الحقيبة ، أنت؟ – ant lan tadae hadha alharat yakhruj min alhaqibat , ‘anti?