You don’t need to be fluent in order to enjoy your vacation and get around town, find places to eat, and adapt to the country you’re in. Just a few of the more popular phrases in your pocket will ensure you make the most of your trip.
Good Morning in Croatian
Good morning is one of the most important greetings to start your day off right. In Croatian, there are a few ways to say good morning depending on who you’re saying it to and what kind of mood they’re in. Here are some of the most common ways to say good morning in Croatian: How …
Foreign Language Phrases to Know
While it always helps to have a thorough grasp of English to get by, outside of major cities in foreign countries, you might be surprised by how little English is actually known. The following foreign language phrases are really useful to know when traveling. Let’s focus on the most spoken ones. Remember just trying a few native phrases will reduce a lot of barriers and have the locals accept and help you out with questions or directions.
Other Foreign Languages
Let’s learn some useful words to help your travel. From some phrase ideas to get you started on translation, to the ever-important how to say the local cheers, here are some valuable phrases in a variety of foreign languages to help you make a friend. When in doubt, you can always buy a local a beer, say cheers, and have a friend for life.
Guide to Learning Languages around the World
It’s an impressive thing to think about the countless number of spoken languages around the world. From the mountain peaks to the rainforests, there is so much diversity. Even within one country, you could have hundreds of languages. Or even with the same language, have several different dialects. If you plan on visiting a country for more than a week or two, it may be best to take a lesson on their language so you can not only have a conversation, but also pick up on what people are saying. The more you understand the language, the more enjoyable your vacation will be.
Easiest Way to Learn a New Language and Phrases
1. Set a few language learning goals – Write down phrases you need to know as well as some that would be beneficial on your journey. If you already have an itinerary on places you plan on visiting, make sure you know key phrases that will help you in those areas.
2. Start using the language – Practice a few times a day before your trip so you are more comfortable saying the words and phrases.
3. Try and practice in real life – It’s one thing to learn how to speak a language and a whole different battle when you are in a live conversation.
4. Study up on the countries culture – Phrases can have different meanings depending on the situation you are in. Many times certain phrases are used when addresses elders compared to being with a group of friends.
5. Have fun! – Don’t stress yourself out when it comes to learning a new language. Your trip is meant to be enjoyable so learning some of the basics will ensure you have the best time possible. You can also learn a few off key phrases to get the locals to laugh. One of our favorites to start a conversation and break down any barriers is “Please don’t shoot, I come in peace”
Latest in Languages
Goodnight in Spanish
If you plan on visiting a Spanish speaking country soon, it is important to learn how…
Thanks in French
How To Say Thanks in French Like many other cultures in different parts of the world,…