Vulgar ways to say pussy in Croatian are not often used, but there are a few popular ones. The most commonly used is the word “maca,” which literally translates to “cat.” This term is generally considered to be less offensive than other terms and can be used when referring to female genitalia.
How to Say Pussy in Croatian
Other terms that may also be heard include “macka” (which means “pussy”), “pička” (which means “cunt”), and “kurac” (which means “dick”).
Another common way of saying pussy in Croatian is by using the phrase “voće s kamenom” which translates roughly into English as “fruit with a stone inside it.” This phrase has its origins in an old folk tale about a man who was trying to pick ripe fruit from a tree only for them all to have stones inside them instead of being edible. As such, this phrase implies that someone’s genitals are hard and unyielding like a rock rather than soft and inviting like fruit!
The last way of saying pussy in Croatian is by using the word “burence” which roughly translates into English as “potato sack”. This term originated from people comparing the shape of female genitalia with that of potatoes stored in sacks on farms throughout Croatia – hence why this particular term has been adopted over time!
Example Sentences using Pussy in Croatian
1. That guy is such a pussy! – Taj tip je takav kurčina!
2. Stop being a pussy and do it already! – Prestani biti kurva i napravi to već!
3. Don’t be such a little pussy! – Nemoj biti takva malena mačka!
4. What kind of pussy are you? – Koju vrstu mačke si ti?
5. He’s too much of a pussy to say no. – On je previše slaba mačka da kaže ne.