Saying goodbye in Czech can be a bit tricky if you’re not familiar with the language. However, there are a few simple and common ways to say “see you later” that will help you get by. The most straightforward way to express yourself is simply “Nashledanou!” which translates directly as “See You Later!” This phrase can be used to bid someone farewell when leaving or ending a conversation.
How to Say See You Later In Czech
Another commonly-used phrase among native Czech speakers is “Mějte se hezky!” which translates roughly as “Take Care of Yourself!” This expression conveys friendliness and well wishes while still being respectful. It works well when saying goodbye to friends, family members, and colleagues.
If you want something a bit more specific than just a more general goodbyes, try using one of these phrases:
- Na shledanou zítra – See You Tomorrow
- Mějte se krásně – Have A Beautiful Day
- Ahoj později – Bye For Now (Informal)
- Zatím dobrý – So Long For Now (Informal)
- Uvidíme se brzy – See You Soon
These expressions should help you stay connected with others in the Czech Republic without having to worry about sounding too stiff or out of place. Remember that it’s always polite to follow up your goodbye with an exchange of pleasantries such as wishing each other health and happiness before parting ways.
Example Sentences using See You Later In Czech
1. See you later! – Uvidíme se později!
2. Have a good day, I’ll see you later. Měj dobrý den, uvidíme se později
3. Catch up with you later – Zase potom zavolám
4. Bye for now, I’ll see you later – Nashledanou, uvidíme se později
5. See ya soon – Ahoj brzy znovu
6. Talk to you again soon, bye for now – Až na shledanou, nashledanou pro teď
7. Until we meet again, goodbye for now – Než se opět setkáme, sbohem pro teď
8. Have a great day and see ya soon – Měj skvostný den a čau brzy