If you find yourself in the Czech Republic and want to wish someone a good day, there are several ways to express this sentiment. Here are some of the most common phrases used:

How to Say Have a Good Day in Czech
1. “Přeji ti hezký den” – This phrase translates as “I wish you a nice day” and can be used when ending a conversation with either friends or strangers.
2. “Přejím ti hodně štěstí” – This phrase literally means “I wish you lots of luck” but it can be interpreted more broadly as wishing someone a successful day.
3. “Hodně zdaru!” – This phrase is an informal way of saying something like “Have a great day!”.
4. “Mějte krásný den” – This phrase translates directly into English as “Have a beautiful day”. It is typically used when greeting somebody in person or on the phone.
5. “Užij si svůj den” – Translating directly to “Enjoy your Day”, this expression conveys wishes that somebody has a good rest of their day.
6. “Máš pěknou dobu!” – Directly translated as ‘You Have A Good Time’, this is another informal way to tell somebody have fun throughout the course of his/her day.
7. “Ahoj s úsměvem!” – The literal translation would be ‘Hello with Smile’. It carries much less formality than other expressions previously mentioned, making it suitable for use between close friends and family members.
8. ” Dej pozor na sebe” – Meaning ‘Take Care’ in English, this expression is another one commonly used between people that know each other.
Example Sentences using Have a Good Day in Czech
1. Have a good day! – Mějte dobrý den!
2. I hope you have a good day. – Přeji Vám hezký den!
3. Wishing you a great day ahead! – Doufám, že máte pěkný den.
4. Enjoy your day! – Užij si svůj den!
5. Make it a wonderful day! – Ať je pro tebe dnešek skvělý!