Asshole is one of the most commonly used terms to refer to someone who is rude or mean. In Croatian, there are several ways to say this word which can be used in various contexts and situations. A popular way of saying Asshole in Croatian is “debeljko“. This term implies that someone has acted stupidly or foolishly.

How to Say Asshole in Croatian
1. Debil – Debil directly translates into dumb which again isn’t necessarily seen negatively all the time. However when spoken about another person then its meaning changes drastically because now it refers to their lack of intelligence & understanding.
2. The phrase “Kreten” (or Kretenina) can also be used sarcastically when talking about someone who has done something wrong or made a bad decision without thinking it through properly. The implication here is that the person being referred to lacks intelligence, which makes them an asshole in certain circumstances.
3. Budala – Literally translates to “fool” but can also be used as an insult for someone who has done something stupid or wrong.
4. Glupan – This term literally means “stupid person” but it is also frequently used as an insult for people who have made mistakes or done something foolish.
5. Magarac – The literal translation of this word is “donkey” and it can be applied to someone who behaves like a jackass (e.g., being overly stubborn, rude, or uncooperative).
6. Idiota – This term directly translates to idiot and can be used when referring to someone whose actions seem foolish or ill-advised.
7. Svinja – Svinja literally translates into pig and while pigs may not always have negative connotations they definitely do when speaking about somebody else’s behavior. Therefore saying svinja might refer to somebody as an asshole in Croatian culture.
Example Sentences using Asshole in Croatian
1. That asshole cut me off in traffic! – Ta svinja me je prešla u saobraćaju
2. Don’t be such an asshole! – Nemoj biti takva svinja
3. He’s an arrogant asshole. – On je arogantna svinja
4. Stop being a lazy assholle and get to work! – Prestani biti lijena svinjo i počni raditi
5. What an obnoxious little asshole he is! – Kako je on odvratan maleni svinjo