Croatia is a stunningly beautiful country with its own unique culture and traditions. The people of Croatia are warm, friendly and hospitable. As you explore the country, you will come across many ways to ask “How Are You Doing?” in Croatian. Here are some examples:
How to Say How Are You Doing in Croatian
1) Kako si? – This phrase means “how are you?” It is one of the most common phrases used when greeting someone in Croatia.
2) Što ima novo? – This phrase translates to “what’s new?” It can be used as an informal way to ask how a person is doing or what has been happening since you last saw them.
3) Kakav je tvoj dan bio? – This phrase literally translates to “how was your day?” but it can also be used as an informal way to ask how someone is doing without being too direct about it.
4) Jesi li dobro? – This phrase translates directly into English as “are you okay (or well)?”
5) Jeste li spremni za nešto novo i uzbudljivo danas? – This phrase roughly translates into English as “Are you ready for something new and exciting today?”.
6) Koji su vaši planovi za ovaj vikend? – This expression means “What are your plans for this weekend?” A great way to check in with your friends and see what kind of activities they have planned!
7) Koliko dugo nisi vidio svoje prijatelje? – This expression translates into English as “How long has it been since you’ve seen your friends?”.
8) Je li se dobro osjećate danas? – This expression means “Do You Feel Good Today?”
9) Kako ste se proveli protekli put kad ste bili na odmoru? – This expression roughly translates into English as “How did You Enjoy Your Last Trip When You Were On Vacation?”
Example Sentences using How Are You Doing in Croatian
1. How are you doing today? – Kako ti ide danas?
2. How is everything going? – Kako sve ide?
3. What have you been up to lately? – Što si radio zadnjih dana?
4. How’s life treating you? – Kako te život tretira?
5. How has your day been so far? – Kako je prošao tvoj dan do sada?