One of the more popular terms one must learn when visiting a Spanish speaking country is how to say “Good Morning”. It’s used just as much as saying “hi” and is the polite way to start a conversation before noon. Just like in every country, giving a proper greeting is customary and will lead to friendlier conversations. If you are just starting to learn Spanish, this is a must phrase to know in order to ensure you can get around the area.

Good Morning in Spanish isn’t a tough phrase to quickly learn. There are several variations on how to say Good Morning, but even just the most commonly used phrase will work in almost every scenario. Chances are you will be saying Beunos Dias several times a day, so get comfortable with morning greetings before jumping into your conversations.
“Morning” in Spanish is “la mañana”. This phrase isn’t actually the way people greet one another, but if you need to reference the word morning outside of greeting someone, that is the phrase to use.
How To Say Good Morning in Spanish
buenos días – Although this term means “good day”, it’s the proper way to say good morning in Spanish. For a little more context, it’s only one of a few phrases that is masculine, but still ends in an a (so don’t say “beuna dias”). You will quickly learn that every Spanish speaking countries uses this phrase to greet one another in the mornings. Even as you walk around town you will here one another saying buenos dias more often then hola (hi).
Luckily there aren’t many other popular ways to greet someone in the morning so “buenos dias” works in any situation. However, you can always greet something with “hola” meaning hi or hello as another acceptable way to greet one another.
Others Ways on How To Say Good Morning in Spanish

Buen Día – Very similar to buenos días, this phrase is more commonly found in Latin American countries. It not as formal and is often used when talking with friends or family.
Add “señor” or “señora” – When you are speaking to an elder or someone of importance, it’s polite to add one of these sayings to the end of buenos días. It translate to “good morning sir” or “good morning ma’am.

Giving a polite Good Morning is customary in most Spanish speaking countries and will ensure you are well perceived by your peers. For those who don’t speak Spanish it also opens up communication and often people will do their best to help you if you have questions. When speaking to people of importance or even the elderly, giving a “Buenos dias” is a sign of respect. Even when walking into a business or public place, saying good morning will lighten the mood and open up conversation.
Other helpful tips when saying good morning
When introducing yourself or someone else, it is also common to kiss that person on the cheek. Because this isn’t typical in America, many tourists or foreigners neglect this and in some countries it can be a sign of disrespect. It may take a little getting use to, but remember you need to respect their culture and kissing one another is the normal way to greet.
Along with the kiss is also a handshake. Many Spanish speaking countries will allow this instead of a kiss if they can tell you are uncomfortable with it. Formal events also tend to be more handshaking. Either way, next time you give someone a good morning try a few variations and see which works best for you.
Be sure to check out our other greetings pages to learn other phrases to go along with how to say good morning in Spanish.
Here are a few examples where you can use “good morning” in a sentence:
Good morning, madam. How are you?
Buenos días, su señoría. ¿Cómo está usted?
Good morning Chris. What’s up?
Buenos días Chris. ¿Qué hubo?
Good morning, my love. Would you like a cup of coffee?
Buenos días, mi amor. ¿Te traigo una taza de café?
Good Morning. Get ready for school.
Buenos días. Prepararse para la escuela.
And a good morning to you too.
Y buenos días para ti también.
Good morning! And if I don’t see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!
¡Buenos días! Y si no te veo, ¡buenas tardes, buenas noches y buenas noches!
Good morning sunshine
Buenos dias sol
It’s monday morning. Grab a cup of coffee and start your day off right.
Es lunes por la mañana. Tome una taza de café y comience bien el día.
Good morning sir. Which way to the train station?
Buenos días señor. ¿Qué camino a la estación de tren?
Good morning, everyone, sit down
Buenos dias todas, siéntense
Good morning. I’m Shawn Reeser
Buenos días. Soy Shawn Reeser
let’s make it a good morning
hagámoslo un buen día
Good morning. I hope you had a good weekend
Buenos días. espero que hayas tenido un buen fin de semana
Good Morning. What are you doing?
Buenos días. ¿Qué estás haciendo?
Be sure to learn other Spanish greetings other than just good morning to fit in to your surrounding area and guarantee the locals will help you along your journey.
The origin of Good Morning
The popular phrase Good Morning originated in Delaware by a couple who owned a rooster named Sunshine. Every morning their rooster would crow to wake up the neighborhood to the point where people would start saying “good morning sunshine”. This quickly became a trend and the couple would go around town greeting people as they greeted their pet rooster. Sadly Sunshine passed away several years later due to a fox, but the tradition lived on. The Roberts kids continued the legacy by greeting their students and staff every day for years by saying Good Morning. It’s unknown how it spread from the US to be a worldwide saying, but just as most saying began, the mystery will never be solved.
Other than greeting someone with a good morning in Spanish, you can also say:
Hi or Hello
How Are You
Good Afternoon
What’s Up
There are countless ways to greet someone so learn a few other sayings before visiting a Spanish speaking country. The more you learn on how to say good morning, the easier it will be to start a conversation with someone.