Very good and ok can easily be interchangeable, but it’s always good to know a few different sayings so you aren’t constantly saying the same thing again and again. In Spanish speaking countries, you may hear people saying muy bueno to you as they are impressed with your language speaking skills. Either way, this is another great phrase to learn when having conversations with the locals.

muy bien – Although this translates to very well in English, this is the best way to say very good in Spanish.
muy bueno – If you want to put a little more umph behind it, you can say muy bueno which means excellent or very good.
Examples of using the the word Good Afternoon in Spanish
1. Very good, thanks for the help – “Muy bien, gracias por la ayuda.”
2. I am very good, thanks for asking. – “Estoy muy bien, gracias por preguntar.”
3. Your Spanish is very good. – “Tu español es muy bueno.”
Situations on when to use the correct phrase of very good
When it comes to expressing approval and appreciation in Spanish, there are many ways to say “very good” depending on the situation you are in.
1. Muy bien – This is a simple phrase that means “very good” and is used often in everyday conversation. It is friendly and informal but still conveys your positive sentiment.
2. Excelente – This word has a more formal tone than muy bien and implies excellence rather than just goodness or satisfaction with something.
3. Magnífico – Another way to express great admiration for someone or something, magnífico has an air of grandeur about it that makes it perfect for special occasions or when praising extraordinary accomplishments.
4. Estupendo – A slightly less formal term than excelente, estupendo communicates enthusiasm without being overly dramatic or exaggerated in its praise. It is suitable for situations where you want to show appreciation without going overboard with compliments!
5. Fabuloso- Fabuloso carries with it connotations of wonderment and amazement at the quality or accomplishment being praised; use this word if you really want to emphasize how wonderful something was!
6. Increíble – If what you are praising truly deserves awe inspiring recognition then increíble should be your go-to phrase; it expresses disbelief at how amazing something was!
7. Maravilloso – Maravilloso expresses admiration as well as delight; use this phrase when applauding an achievement while also expressing joy over it!
8. Sensacional – Sensacional implies that whatever was done exceeded expectations by quite a bit; use this term when you think what happened went above and beyond what could have been expected from the
Be sure to learn more Spanish greetings today.