How to Say How Are You Doing in Spanish
In Spanish culture, “Hi, How are you doing?” is a cultural greeting, a phrase we hear all the time. Whether you are meeting with a person face-to-face, or when starting a chat or phone conversation, asking about their general welling is a way to express our care or concern for them. The common phrase used to politely ask how life is going for someone is ¿como estas? meaning how are you doing in Spanish.

¿Como estas? – Often used when greeting or being introduced to someone, como estas is a general inquiry used to ask about what’s happening in someone’s life or environment. In some contexts, the Spanish greeting phrase may be used to start a conversation.
Sometimes, como estas may translate to “how are you” in English. You are allowed to use this Spanish greeting phrase to both acquaintances and strangers. A stranger in such instance may be a cashier at the supermarket, a receptionist at the restaurant, and so forth. Asking them how they’re doing is a polite way to greet them or genuinely inquire about their wellbeing before continuing with your conversation.
Few Examples of when to say How Are You Doing in Spanish
Hi, how are you doing? – “¿Hola cómo estás?”
How are you doing, Mr. Rodriguez? – ¿Cómo está, Sr. Rodríguez?
Hey Jesse! Good to see you! How are you doing today?- “¡Hola Jessie! ¡Que bueno verte! Cómo estás hoy?”
Good afternoon Madam, How are you doing today? – “Buenas tardes señora, ¿cómo está hoy?”