This might not be the most necessary phrase to know when traveling to a Spanish speaking country, but it can be useful if you need help with directions and want to ask someone. Asking someone to come over is more polite then shouting at them. Here are a few ways on how to say “come here” in Spanish.

ven aca – Informal way to ask someone to come here. This is the most popular phrase among countries and will often get someones attention.
ven aquí – Another popular phrase you will here in Spanish speaking countries.
vengan acá – This is used if you are asking a group of people to come over

Again, asking someone to come over isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but knowing how to say it can get you out of a bind. Even if you buy a round of drinks and need some people to help bring them to the table, you will quickly realize that you may start saying “come here” more than you think. It isn’t rude to ask for help and other than saying can you help me (me puedes ayudar), learning come here in Spanish will get you out of a bind.
Be sure to check out our other popular Spanish Greetings and sayings. The more words and phrases you know, the easier it will be to get around with help if needed.
Reasons why you may need to say come here in Spanish
1. Parents to their kids. Ex. “Come here and eat your breakfast” – “Ven aquí y desayuna”
2. To do something. “Come here and let me fix your tie” – “Ven aquí y déjame arreglar tu corbata”
3. Asking for help. “Can you please come here and help me find McDonalds” – “¿Puedes venir aquí y ayudarme a encontrar McDonalds?”
Example sentences using the phrase come here in Spanish
1. Why don’t your friends come here today to play? – “¿Por qué tus amigos no vienen hoy a jugar?”
2. Tourists come here for the history. – “Los turistas vienen aquí por la historia.”
3. Do you come here a lot? – “¿Vienes aquí a menudo?”
4. I often come here to get away and think. – “A menudo vengo aquí para escapar y pensar.”
Situations on when to choose the correct phrase to use
“Come Here” in Spanish is “Ven Aquí” This phrase expresses “Come here,” and it can be used in a variety of contexts when you want someone to come closer or move towards you.
Another way to say this phrase is “Aquí.” This word alone has multiple meanings and uses, but in this context it means something like “over here!”. It implies that you are calling someone over towards your direction without actually saying the words “come here.”
If you need more emphasis or urgency to your request, then you could use the phrase “¡Ven aquí ahora!” which means something like :Come here now!” You might also hear people use the similar expression: ¡Ven ya!.
It may be appropriate for you to use a softer version of this command in certain situations. Ven para acá (or Ven para aquí). These phrases mean something along the lines of “come over / towards me or come nearer”. They are less direct than other phrases listed above and tend to be more polite and diplomatic when addressing someone else.