It’s polite to say have a nice day to someone after a conversation. Other thank saying “goodbye“, there are a few ways you can say have a good day depending on the situation.

Que tengas un buen día – This phrase is the more common way to say have a nice day to someone who isn’t a friend or family member. It’s the best way to end a conversation with people you just met, co-workers, or strangers who offer you help.
Que te vaya bien – This phrase is also commonly used and some will use it as “goodbye”. You may hear this when one is talking to family and friends.
Many believe that saying have a good day came from America as it wasn’t always used in Spanish speaking countries. However, it has grown in popularity and now said in many conversations. We personally enjoy saying this instead of the every day goodbye or see you later. It sadly isn’t used that much anymore so we ask you to kindly learn how to say have a good day and use it whenever you can. People may get a kick out of it.
Other ways to tell someone to have a good day in Spanish
1. ¡Tenga un excelente día! – Have an excellent day!
2. ¡Disfruta tu día! – Enjoy your day!
3. Que pases un gran día – May you have a great day
4. Pase un maravilloso día – Have a wonderful day
5. Que tengas feliz jornada – Have a happy journey (day)
6. Que la luz te ilumine el camino hoy y siempre – May light illuminate your path today and always
7. Ten mucho ánimo hoy – Feel encouraged today
8 . Aprovecha al máximo este nuevo comienzo de semana- Make the most of this new start of the week
Examples of using the the phrase have a good day in Spanish
1. Thanks for your help. Have a good day. – “Gracias por tu ayuda. Tenga un buen día.”]
2. Did you have a good day today? – “¿Tuviste un buen día hoy?”
3. I’m heading off to work. Have a good day. – Me voy al trabajo. Tenga un buen día.
4. Here’s to having a good day today. – “Aquí está para tener un buen día hoy”
5. Have a good day and don’t forget your umbrella. – “Que tengas un buen día y no olvides tu paraguas”
Spanish speaking countries will appreciate you offering them a good day after your conversations with them. This is an easy phrase to learn without having to say goodbye all the time. Be sure to also check out our other Spanish greetings for more phrases.