Adiós– Everyone has heard the word adiós before. Whether you traveled to a Spanish speaking country or even just heard it on the TV, this is one of the more popular words people know right off the bat. Just as you were to say hello to someone, saying goodbye is just as polite. Adios can be used in any setting at any time so don’t be afraid to end your conversations by wishing someone well or saying goodbye.

Examples on Goodbye in Spanish
1. Thanks. Goodbye – Gracias. Adiós
2. Goodbye my love – Adiós mi amor
3. Goodbye for now – Adiós por ahora
4. I have to say goodbye – Tengo que decir adiós
5. I guess this is goodbye – Supongo que esto es un adios
6. Tell Mike I said goodbye – Dile a Mike que me despedí
7. Don’t leave without saying goodbye – No te vayas sin decir adios
8. I think it’s time for me to say goodbye – Creo que es hora de que me despida
9. Goodbye till we meet again – Adiós hasta que nos volvamos a encontrar
When to Choose which Goodbye in Spanish to use
Goodbye is a common way to say farewell in many languages, and Spanish is no exception. The most commonly used phrase for goodbye in Spanish is “Adiós” which translates as “to God,” but it can also mean “farewell” or “goodbye.”
Other variations of the word adiós include hasta luego (see you later), hasta pronto (see you soon) and chau (an informal version). In addition to these basic phrases, there are several other ways to say goodbye in Spanish that vary depending on the context or how formal the situation may be.
Cuídate (take care of yourself) or que Dios te bendiga (may God bless you) are more appropriate when saying goodbye to a friend or family member.
When departing from someone older than yourself such as an elder relative or teacher, using phrases like deseándole lo mejor (wishing them all the best), con mucho cariño y respeto (with lots of love and respect), que tengas un buen día/noche/fin de semana/etc. (have a good day/night/weekend etc.) can show respect for their age and authority while still bidding them farewell with kindness.
To make their goodbye even more special they could use expressions like nos vemos pronto otra vez! (let’s see each other soon again!) or espero volverte a ver muy pronto! (I hope to see you again very soon!). These phrases express enthusiasm about future reunions rather than simply ending an encounter abruptly with just a simple adiós.
If two people have been speaking together for some time they might want to add gracias por la conversación antes de decir adiós (thanks for the conversation before saying goodbye). This shows appreciation for both parties’ contributions during their dialogue before parting ways.
All these expressions offer different levels of politeness and formality depending on who one is speaking with.
Learn a few good Spanish sentences with goodbye and impress the locals. Be sure to also learn several other Spanish greetings and you will be ahead of the curve as you travel abroad.