If you want to know what someone is doing in Croatian, there are a few different ways you can say it. The most common way to phrase the question is: Što radiš? This literally translates to “what are you doing?” and is used when asking about a person’s current activity.

How to Say What Are You Doing in Croatian
A slightly more formal way of asking the same thing would be Koju radnju vršite? which roughly translates as “What action are you undertaking?” This could be used if, for example, you wanted to know what task someone was in the middle of performing.
An informal way of asking this question which would be Šta činiš?, meaning “What are you making/doing?”. This expression can be used both when inquiring about an ongoing activity or something that has already been done.
Example Sentences using What Are You Doing in Croatian
1. What are you doing tonight? – Što radiš večeras?
2. What are you doing for work these days? – Što radiš za posao ovih dana?
3. Tell me, what are you doing here? – Reci mi, što ti tu radite?
4. I’m curious, what are you doing with your time off? – Znatiželjan sam, što činiš s vremenom slobodnim od posla?
5. What exactly are you doing to help the situation? – Točno što činiš kako bi pomogao situaciji?