Saying “OK” in Croatian is a simple way to show agreement, understanding or acceptance. The most common ways to say OK in Croatian are:
How to Say OK in Croatian
1. U redu – This is the most popular phrase for saying OK in Croatia and it literally translates as “in order” or “all right”. It can be used both formally and informally depending on the context.
2. Razumijem – This phrase translates loosely as “I understand” and is commonly used when people agree with something they have heard or been told.
3. Prihvaćam – Literally meaning “I accept”, this phrase is often used when someone agrees to do something that has been suggested by another person or group of people.
4. Slažem se – Translating as “I agree”, this phrase is commonly used when someone concurs with an opinion expressed by another individual or group of individuals such as agreeing with their view on a certain subject matter.
5. Potvrđujem – Meaning “I confirm / acknowledge / affirm”, this expression conveys understanding, agreement and acceptance all at once.
6. Da – A single word response that simply means yes – usually accompanied by a nod of the head (or sometimes even just an eyebrow raise).
7. Dobro je – Translating roughly as “it’s good”, this expression implies approval from the speaker towards whatever has been proposed.
Example Sentences using OK in Croatian
1. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow. – U redu, vidimo se sutra
2. Are you okay? – Je li ti u redu?
3. It’s okay if you don’t know the answer. – Ne moraš znati odgovor sve je u redu
4. I’m feeling okay today. – Danas sam dobro raspoložen/a
5. That sounds okay to me! – Meni to zvuči u redu