How to Say Have a Great Day in German
Saying have a good day, have a great day, have a nice day, have a good morning, all mean the same in German. And they are all only used in a situation that truly warrants it. “Have a great day.” Or “Ich wünsche ihnen einen wunderbaren Tag” would only be used by locals when they really feel they want someone’s day to be great.
Unlike in America they wont just say it to you because it is a polite or common thing to do. In Germany they don’t believe in being insincere so if they don’t necessarily care whether you have a good day or not, they will not say it to you.
As a visitor though, knowing how to be polite and how to say things like “Have a great day” will be a good phrase to bring with you. You will want to say it because that is how we are accustomed to show respect and kindness so most Germans know we are being polite when saying it.
Examples of how to say have a great day in German
“Thank you for the bread, have a great day.”
“Vielen Dank für das Brot, einen schönen Tag.”
“Have a great day, see you tomorrow.”
“Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag und bis morgen.”
“I’m heading home now, have a great day.”
“Ich gehe jetzt nach Hause, habe einen schönen Tag.”