How to Say Come Here in Germany
“Come here”, or “Komm Herr” is used as a command in Germany just like it is in English. This is used in similar situation as well. You can yell for a child to come to you or calling a friend and telling them to come to your house. Come here is a very short non-descriptive phrase and in Germany would usually look more like” Please, come here” “Komm bitte her” or “Komm” “come over”.
Make sure you use this command carefully as you don’t want to offend anyone you have just recently met.
The phrase “Come here” is very formal and usually only used when speak with a child or when calling for your pet. You wouldn’t yell for and elderly person or a person of power to “come here” that would be disrespectful.
Examples of how to say come here in German
“Komm her Fido, bring mir den Ball. “
„Come here Fido, bring me the ball.“
“Lynn, komm her, damit ich deine Schuhe binden kann.”
“Lynn, come here so I can tie your shoes.”
“Komm her Benny, ich bin im Garten und du kannst mir helfen.”
“Come here Benny, Im in the garden and ou can help.”