How to Say Thanks in German
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to say thank you in an un-formal and common setting is “thanks” or in Germany it would be said “Danke”. Danke is the most common word to use when giving thanks to anyone for most situations.
If you are going on vacation to Germany and only take a handful of words with you “danke” should be one of them. This is the word that will show you are not a rude American and one of the easiest words to remember. It will fit into almost any situation that requires a thank you.
Whether you are saying it to your waiter or waitress after a good meal or to your friends for taking you on a great tour of the town. You will be able to show your appreciation easy and quick.
Examples of how to say thanks in German
“Thanks, that meal was delicious.”
“Danke, das Essen war köstlich.”
“This dress fits me perfect. Thanks for letting me barrow it.”
“Dieses Kleid passt mir perfekt. Danke, dass ich es mir erlauben durfte.”
“Thanks for grabbing the door, this box Is really heavy.”
“Danke, dass du die Tür gepackt hast. Diese Box ist wirklich schwer.”