How to Say See You Tomorrow in German
If you are at a meeting on Monday and the day comes to and end but the work is not completed you will want to say good bye while also implying that you plan to come back to finish up the next day. In this situation you will want to learn the phrase. “See you tomorrow” this in German is said “bis morgan”
This is a very common phrase to say while in Germany and many of the locals will be using this. If you will be staying an extended amount of time, there this would be a good phrase to master as you will probably being saying it frequently.
Examples of how to say see you tomorrow in German
“Bye James, I’m going home for the night. See you tomorrow.”
“Tschüss James, ich gehe für die Nacht nach Hause. Bis morgen.”
“Wir haben noch viel zu tun. Lass uns für die Nacht nach Hause gehen. bis morgen.”
“We have a lot more work to be done. Let’s go home for the night. See you tomorrow.”
“My flight leaves in the morning. I will see you tomorrow.”
“Mein Flish geht am Morgen. Bis morgen.”