How to say Good morning In German
If you are ever lucky enough to find yourself walking through the streets of Germany early in the day, you will for sure want to know how to say Good Morning to all the people you pass. Good morning in German is translated to “Guten Morgen”. Pronounced GOO-tehn MOHR-gehn.
Guten Morgen, is a common and versatile greeting in the German language. You can say it to a family member as they enter the kitchen for breakfast, or use it when walking into the office to greet your boss. Like good morning in English, Guten Morgen is usually used throughout the morning until noon. Although in a lot of languages phrases can be changed depending on whether you are man or woman, in German it is always the same word for both.
When someone greets you in German it is considered rude to not greet back, normally with the same “Guten Morgen.”, with a friendly smile and a quick wave.
A useful example of how to use Guten Morgen in a conversation.
“Good morning, did you sleep well?”
“Guten morgen, haben Sie gut geschlafen”?
“Good morning, are you ready for breakfast?”
“Guten Morgen, sind Sie bereit für das Frühstück?”