How to Say See You Later in German
Saying “see you later” anywhere is as good as a goodbye. “bis spatter” is a very casual way to let someone know you are leaving. The meaning can be translated to until then.
This term is used when you are heading out but obviously intend on coming back at some point soon. You would use this term when leaving a friend’s house, or to family after a Sunday brunch. Not something you would usually say after leaving a business meeting or a doctor’s appointment.
The Garman language like English can have many ways to say pretty much the same thing. See you later can be goodbye, see ya, later, see you soon, see you in a bit. “Bis spater” is one of the most common ways to say goodbye in Germany and you can probably use it in a lot of situations while you are there.
Examples of how to say see you later in German
“I’m going home for the day, see you later.”
“Ich gehe für den Tag nach Hause, bis später.”
“Hey mom, Im taking the dog for a walk. See you later.”
“Hey Mama, ich gehe mit dem Hund spazieren. Bis später.”
“See you later guys, I’m going to the bank to cash my check”
“bis später Leute. Ich werde zur Bank gehen, um meinen Scheck einzulösen”