Learning ways to curse in any language can be fun. Although you probably won’t be using it when talking to strangers during your travels, you may pick up on locals using the terms at bars or between friends. Just like in English there are various ways to say “Asshole” in German that can range from mild humor to downright offensive. Here are some of the more commonly used terms:
German Words for Asshole
1. Arschloch – This is probably one of the most common ways to refer to someone as an “asshole” in German. It literally translates as ‘butt hole’, but it can be applied figuratively too.
2. Blödmann – This term directly translates into English as ‘stupid man’ and is often used when referring to someone who has acted like an asshole.
3. Vollidiot – Another very popular phrase which means exactly what you would expect; ‘full idiot’! It can be used when describing someone who has made a particularly stupid mistake.
4. Idiotensau – A less-well known term which again translates directly into English, this time meaning ‘idiot pig’. Used mainly by younger people, this phrase usually applies to anyone acting like an idiot rather than specifically being rude.
5. Trottel – This word could be translated simply into English as ‘fool’ and is generally considered far less offensive than “asshole”. It’s mainly used when talking about somebody making mistakes due to ignorance rather than malice.
6. Penner – Although this may sound quite harmless in English, in Germany it carries connotations of extreme poverty and destitution.
Example Sentences using Asshole in German
1. You’re such an asshole. – Du bist ein solcher Arschloch
2. He’s a complete asshole. – Er ist ein vollständiges Arschloch
3. She’s too much of an asshole to apologize. – Sie ist zu sehr ein Arschloch um sich zu Entschuldigen
4. What an arrogant asshole he is. – Was für ein arrogantes Arschloch er doch ist
5. That guy is such a total asshole. – Dieser Typ ist einfach nur ein totales Arschloch
6. Stop being such a lazy asshole and get to work. – Hör auf soviel Faulenarsch zu sein und mach die arbeit
7. I can’t believe he had the nerve to call me an asshole in front of everyone else. – Ich kann nicht glauben das er den Nerv hatte mich vor allen als Arschloch zu beschimpfen
8. He thinks he’s so smart, but really, he’s just an annoying little asshole sometimes. – Er denkt er wäre so schlau aber wirklich er ist manchmal nur nerviger kleiner Arsshloc
9. Don’t be so much of an asshole next time you talk to him. – Sei nicht das nächste mal soviel von einem Aershlcoh wenn du mit ihm sprichst
10. Get out of my way, you stupid asshole. – Geh mir aus dem weg du blödes Arshcloh