As we continue to educate you in Spanish curse words, we often find ourselves circling back the word ass or asshole. This may be one of the most popular phrases you will hear at bars between close friends. Just like like in the U.S, using the words ass or asshole can either be used jokingly or if you want to convey your frustration at someone (Example – someone cuts you off while driving).
In Spanish, there are numerous ways to say “asshole”. Depending on the context and the level of intensity desired, one might use any of these terms:

Different ways to say Asshole in Spanish
1) Cabrón – This term is considered less offensive than some other words used to describe someone as an asshole. It can be translated as “bastard” or “jerk”.
2) Imbécil – This word translates literally as “idiot” but it also carries a lot of connotations related to being an asshole. It implies that someone has acted in a foolish manner and disregarded common sense.
3) Pendejo – This word is more commonly used among young people and can be translated as either “dumbass” or simply “jerk”. Its usage depends heavily upon context. For example, if spoken with anger it could come across much harsher than intended.
4) Tonto – Another way to say “asshole” in Spanish is tonto (or its female equivalent tonta). Again this term carries similar implications to imbécil but may not have such strong negative connotations depending upon how it’s used in conversation.
5) Estúpido – If you want something stronger than tonto or imbécil then estúpido (or its female equivalent estúpida) will do the trick! This term implies stupidity on behalf of the person being insulted and carries quite a bit of weight when said sarcastically or angrily.
6) Chulo – While this normally means “handsome”, when said with contempt chulo conveys a feeling that someone is acting arrogantly or disrespectfully towards others which makes them an “asshole”.
7) Majadero- Majadero (and its feminine form majadera), translate directly into English as “foolish” but it can also refer specifically to someone who behaves like an asshole without regard for anyone else’s feelings or opinion.
8 ) Burro / Asno – Both burro (male form) and Asno (female form) mean donkey ,but they’re often used metaphorically by native speakers who want to express their displeasure at another person’s behavior without resorting too harsh language .
Example Sentences of using the word Asshole in Spanish
1. That asshole is so annoying – Ese Cabrón es tan molesto
2. What a lousy asshole – Qué miserable Cabrone
3. I can’t stand that asshole anymore – Ya no puedo soportar más este Cabronazo
4. You’re such a stupid asshole – Eres un estúpido de los grandes,Cabrone
5. Get out of here, you dirty asshole – Sal de aquí , sucio Caboronazo
6. Don’t be such an ignorant asshole – No seas tan ignorante cabronesa
7. Stop being such a damn asshole all the time – Corre de ser un condenado caborona todo el tiempo
8. Quit acting like a selfish little asshole now – Deja ya de actuar como un pequeño egoista caboron
9. Go away you miserable old asshole – Vete ya ,miserable viejo Caboron
10. That’s it, I’m done with this horrible asshole for good – Por fin me deshago para siempre del horrible Caboron
There are so many different ways you can use ass or asshole in Spanish. Above are some of the more comment phrases you may say, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get creative when getting your point across. Be sure to also learn some other curse words like bitch, fuck, or even pussy.