The vulgar version of the word “pussy” in Chinese is 貓屁股 (māo pìgu). It literally translates to “cat butt” and can be used to refer to a female genitalia, though it can also mean something else depending on the context. When using this phrase, one should take caution as it is considered highly offensive by many people in China.
How to Say Pussy in Chinese
Another common way of saying “You’re a Pussy” in Chinese is 你好懦弱 (nǐ hǎo nuòruò). This literally translates to “you are weak and cowardly”, which conveys the same sentiment as calling someone a pussy.
你是个胆小鬼 (nǐ shì gè dǎnxiǎoguǐ) is another option and roughly translates to “you are timid or scaredy-cat”.
It is important to note that there are other ways to express similar concepts without being as explicit or crass as using this particular phrase. For example, if you want to say someone was acting flirtatious with you but don’t want to use the word “pussy”, then you could say they were 對你很撩人 (duì nǐ hěn liáorén) which means “flirting with you”.
If someone made a suggestive comment about your body but you don’t want to use the vulgar version of pussy then you could simply say they were 暗示你的身體 (ànshì nǐ de shēntǐ) which means “suggesting your body”. In conclusion, while some native speakers may understand what 貓屁股(māo pìgu) means, it’s best for nonnative speakers of Chinese language not use this phrase due its highly offensive nature.
Example Sentences using Pussy in Chinese
1. That guy is such a pussy! 他真是个懦夫!
2. Stop being a pussy and do it already! 别再软弱了,快去做吧!
3. Don’t be such a little pussy! 别这么胆小鬼!
4. He was so scared, he was like a frightened little kitten – what a pussy! 他害怕得要死,就像一只受惊的小猫——真是没用的人啊!
5. She’s always been such a big old pussy cat, she never stands up for herself! 她总是如此胆小怕事, 根本不会为自己站出来 !
6. Get some balls and stop being such a damn pussy all the time! 男子气概上来吧别老是这么胆小鬼!
7. I can’t believe you’re still afraid of spiders – what an absolute fucking pussy you are! 我都不敢相信你还害怕蜘蛛 ——你真是一个彻头彻尾的胆小鬼呀!
8. Quit acting like such an effing baby and face your fears instead of running away like some kind of cowardly pussies! 别再装傻充愣了行动起来勇敢地对付你 的恐惧而不要逃避得像一只无能的玩具猫。
9. You guys are just pussies when it comes to taking risks 这里说到承担风险时你们大家都特别胆 小。
10. Stop being so much of a coward-pussy and man up already ! 别再太胆怯了干出点男子气概吧