Just like every other country, greeting someone in the morning is customary. In fact, French culture considers greeting first as a polite way to start a conversation when you meet someone. This is why it is crucial to learn this French greeting phrase if you plan to visit a French-speaking country. The common phrase for good morning in French is – bonjour.
Good Morning in French

Bonjour – Usually, bonjour is the standard method of saying “good morning” in French. Every French-speaking country uses this phrase to themselves anytime in the morning, before noon. Even while walking around town, it is still possible to see people saying bonjour, regardless of the time of the day.
What’s more, bonjour means “hello” in English. This is why the phrase is by far the most important word in French. It is very popular as it can be said in the morning, afternoon, to welcome visitors or start a conversation. Also, saying bonjour is customary in most French-speaking countries and can be considered as a sign of respect. It will give you a better conversation or service.
Furthermore, when you enter a restaurant, shop, or retail store, a heartfelt bonjour is more than just saying Good Morning or Hello. You are using the opportunity to announce your presence and acknowledge that you just stepped into their space, and not yours.
Few Examples of when to say Good Morning in French
Good morning Lucas. How was your night? – “Bonjour Lucas. Comment s’est passé votre nuit?”
Good morning, madam. How are you doing today? – “Bonjour Madame. Comment ça va aujourd’hui?”
Good morning my love. – “Bonjour mon amour.”
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. – “Mesdames et messieurs, bonjour.”
Situations on when and how to say hello in French

Good morning in French is “Bonjour”. Saying ‘bonjour’ to someone can be a simple and friendly way of greeting them, especially in the morning. It is a polite phrase that conveys respect and warmth towards the person you are speaking to. There are several other ways to say good morning in French which can be used depending on your relationship with the person you’re speaking to.
If you’re talking to an elderly relative or friend, you could use “Bon matin” which translates as “good morning”. Similarly, when addressing someone formally such as an employer or teacher, it would be more appropriate to use “Bien le bonjour!” which means something like “Greetings!”
When saying good morning in French it is also important to take into account gender differences. When talking to a female acquaintance or colleague for instance, it may be better suited to say ‘Bonne journée!’, meaning ‘have a nice day!’ rather than simply ‘bonjour’. This expression shows more consideration and politeness towards the speaker’s gender.
It is worth noting that there are some regional variations when it comes to how people greet each other in France too; some regions will prefer one form of greeting over another based on local customs and traditions. In Brittany for instance they often say “Deiz ha bloaz!” (“A day and year!”) whereas in Provence they might opt for “Salut!”, translating as “Hi!”.