Located within the Artic Circle, Kanuti Hot Springs is one of the most remote attractions you will find around the world. Situated within a forest and surrounded by a field, once you stumble upon this springs you will never want to leave.
Kanuti Hot Springs Pools
There are two different pools for you to relax and unwind in. Because they are underdeveloped and quite primitive, there is no real regulation to control the temperatures. To avoid burning yourself in the 150 degree Fahrenheit sections, try to stick closer to where the colder water flows in. Overheating is definitely a possibility at Kanuti Hot Springs so take it easy and enjoy the healing waters in short spurts.

You can technically access Kanuti Hot Springs any time of the year, but winter time can be quite challenging with the heavy snow and cold. Spring time is definitely more ideal, however that is also when bears start to roam the area (pack bear repellant just in case you come in close contact). As long as you enjoy one with nature and bring the necessary gear, you can enjoy the Article Circle year round.
As far as staying the night, there are several backcountry camping areas in Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge. You won’t see actual campsites or campgrounds and with the location primitive, you will want to find a nice area to set up camp. Again we can’t stress this enough to keep the area clean, food stored safely, and always aware of the surroundings.
Getting to Kanuti Hot Springs
A topographical map will be your best bet on finding the springs as there are no markers or trails for you to guide you in the right direction. The springs themselves are in the Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge and towards the Caribou Mountains. If walking isn’t your fancy, you can also take the 14 mile journey down the Kanuti River where you can hike out and follow the ridgeline through the wilderness and down the mountain to your final destination. Either way you will need some skills when it comes to using a map so you don’t get lost and become another person with a sad story of missing the hidden gem of Alaska.
Location: Kanuti National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska | 12 miles west of MP103 on the Dalton Highway
Season: All Year but we recommend the warming months to avoid too much snow.
Camping: Permitted in primitive areas
GPS: 66º 20′ 30″ N 150º 50′ 44″ W